Sight Automation

Water level sensors Provided by Sight Automation

Sight Automation uses a wide variety of different water level instruments used to measure changes in the groundwater regime of the ground and surface water bodies. Our Sight Automation team has designed a diverse array of instrumentation systems over a variety of sites to ensure optimal data collection for multiple of different applications.

The installation of Water Level Sensors involves instrumenting the suitable sensor into water.

  • Groundwater Monitoring: Often involves drilling and installing a borehole with a piezometer pipe. In which a level sensor would be placed within the pipe and would return a level of the groundwater. 
  • Water Course Monitoring: It can also be placed into a surface water body such as a river or stream to give a river level.
  • Catch Pit Monitoring: Sight Automation has also instrumented multiple catch pits to give water levels in flood.
  • Weather Station: With increasingly changeable weather associated with climate change, Sight Automation has been involved with installing weather stations around the country to give a more accurate measure of rainfall at areas of interest.
Image of the Foss Barrier in York, England.

Image of Foss Barrier in York where Sight Automation and Central Alliance completed an installation of water level sensors to measure water level in the barrier. 

Plot showing water level versus time.

Sight Automation Portal of time plots showing water level changes in a borehole drilled and instrumented by the Central Alliance and Sight Automation team. 

Sight Automation Solution

Sight Automation, the monitoring brand of ground investigation company Central Alliance, provide a complete in house drilling, instrumentation and data hosting service for ground water level sensors. We also have extensive experience instrumenting within river systems, catch pits, for railway networks and other water bodies. We have significant experience working for our clients such as Network Rail and Environment Agency installing this instrumentation.

For Water Level Sensors, Sight Automation can create alerts for changes in levels when it passes a certain defined threshold or when changes occur within short time scale. This provides security for clients giving them confidence with data to make decisions. Utilising the flexibility of our flagship Sight Automation portal, we can design and create a personalised online data environment to to suit the specific requirements of your site. 

Contact us to discuss how our instrumentation and hosting can revolutionise your data collection.

Water Level Time Plot (Stream with Flood Gate)

Time plot of a stream influenced by a timed flood gate affecting downstream levels.

Image of WorldSensing 4G telemetry and LoRaWAN radio installed by Sight Automation on a complex ground investigation in Lincolnshire.
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